India’s Latest Draft Telecommunications Bill : Continuation of Vague Internet Shutdown Policies
Introduction The Government of India recently proposed the draft “Indian Telecommunications Bill, 2022”, hoping to overhaul the age-old laws that currently make up the regulatory framework for the telecom industry. The bill intends to supersede three pieces of legislation: “the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885”; “the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933”; and “the Telegraph Wires (Unlawful … Continue reading India’s Latest Draft Telecommunications Bill : Continuation of Vague Internet Shutdown Policies
Read more »Trademark : Principle Of Territoriality In The Virtual World
Introduction The increased competition among traders and trading companies in the world of commerce led to the development of the trademark concept. A trademark helps differentiate one product or company from another, making it easier for a customer to identify that product or company. The blog focuses on the trademark system’s territoriality principle. The innovations … Continue reading Trademark : Principle Of Territoriality In The Virtual World
Read more »IPR in the Era of Conflicts by
Patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc. are intangible assets majorly contributing to the growth of a nation, especially in terms of science and technology. The article discusses the implications of such conflict on its Intellectual Property rights. Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and designs form the umbrella of legally obtained Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). These are intangible assets provided … Continue reading IPR in the Era of Conflicts by
Read more »Cybersquatting & Regulatory Mechanisms
Cyber Squatting is a word that has come to be linked with the registration of domain names without the objective of using them, in the names of popular brands or personalities exclusively for the purpose of making money. The crux is that “name” belongs more appropriately to another entity. Secondly, the registrant is targeting to … Continue reading Cybersquatting & Regulatory Mechanisms
Read more »3EU’s New Copyright Directive Proposal: Boon for Strengthening IPR Law Protection or Bane on the Individual Internet Freedom?
We are at a time where the internet is bringing the world closer together, turning itself into a close-knit community. Internet has enhanced and rather increased the exchange of information. Amidst that, law enforcement agencies and governments all over the world have enacted various laws for channelization of data, protection of internet users, privacy of … Continue reading 3EU’s New Copyright Directive Proposal: Boon for Strengthening IPR Law Protection or Bane on the Individual Internet Freedom?
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