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Cyber Laws and Recent Developments
In current times, artificial intelligence and other technologies have made everyday life relatively easier. However, regulation of the online space has become an indispensable domain. As India takes strides in developing its technologies under the “Digital India” initiative, a robust legal ecosystem must be established in the country to defend individuals, businesses, and society from … Continue reading Cyber Laws and Recent Developments
Read more »No Physical Footprint, Real Legal Implications: Indian Trademark Law For Foreign Defendants
INTRODUCTION The Internet today has massively facilitated trade and business for people and companies across the globe by providing them a platform to ease the communication between the buyer and the seller. However, this facilitation of trade and business raises pertinent questions as to the laws which would govern the disputes arising in this internet … Continue reading No Physical Footprint, Real Legal Implications: Indian Trademark Law For Foreign Defendants
Read more »Cyber Security And Data Privacy Law In Saudi Arabia
Cyber Security And Data Privacy Law In Saudi Arabia: Many people will be surprised to learn that there is currently no explicit data protection legislation in Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that cloud computing has achieved a level of maturity that some experts believe is ready for full commercial use. While major Cloud technology providers … Continue reading Cyber Security And Data Privacy Law In Saudi Arabia
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