From Social Menace to Criminal Offence: The Legal Evolution of Mob Lynching
As the new criminal laws brought in seek to change the law enforcement scenario in India, they have introduced mob lynching as a new offence. The blog tries to trace and analyse the offence of mob lynching in India and the evolution in legislations related to it. The blog also tries to trace the lacunas, … Continue reading From Social Menace to Criminal Offence: The Legal Evolution of Mob Lynching
Read more »Criminal Accountability: Delaying And Non-Registration Of Fir
INTRODUCTION Police are the first point of contact to which people look up to when there is an issue with the peace and harmony of the society. The primary process of bringing any crime to the notice of the administrators of justice is filing of a complaint. Under the Criminal Procedure Code, section 154 talks … Continue reading Criminal Accountability: Delaying And Non-Registration Of Fir
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