IP Legal Practice In Oman

Oman, officially known as the Sultanate of Oman, is a major country in the Western Asia sharing its land borders with Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Oman has marked itself in having a strong geopolitical impact in the region being the member of United Nations, Arab League, Gulf Co-operation Council, Organisation of Islamic Co-operation. Not only with this, Oman has a strong economy owing to its tourism, trading and agricultural produce where it has been categorized as a high-income economy. With the huge dependency of oil exports, mineral fuels have accounted for 82.2% of total produce exports. Tourism is the fastest growing industry in Oman.

With the socio-economic structure being hyper-centralized rentier welfare state, 80% of the nationals are employers in the private sector. Moreover, the free trade agreement with the United States has eliminated tariff barriers on all consumer and industrial products, and also provided strong protections for foreign businesses investing in Oman. In terms of foreign direct investment (FDI), total investments in 2017 exceeded US$24billion. The highest share of FDI went to the oil and gas sector, which represented around US$13billion (54.2 percent), followed by financial intermediation, which represented US$3.66billion (15.3 percent). FDI is dominated by the United Kingdom with an estimated value of US$11.56billion (48 percent), followed by the UAE USD 2.6billion (10.8 percent), followed by Kuwait USD 1.1billion (4.6 percent).

Patents in Oman

A patent is an exclusive right granted to the inventor against his invention, which may be a product or a process for a new way of doing something, provided that the patent owner discloses the technical information related to his invention in the patent publication. Patents are governed by Royal Decree 82/2000. An invention is eligible for a patent if it is new, includes an innovative concept, and is industrially applicable, be it for new industrial products, used industrial methods and means or by a new application for known industrial methods and means, and is not violating the public order and morals, affecting national security or conflicting the principles of the Islamic Shari’ aa.

For the purpose of applying for patents, the patent application can be made to the Department of Agencies and Intellectual Property at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Oman. The patent owner may use, manufacture, import, or offer for sale the patented product, and no third party may exploit the patent without permission of the patent owner. If a breach of a patent is committed it will give rise to both civil and criminal sentences.