Protecting Intellectual Property – Patent Registration In Dubai, UAE/GCC IP/Legal Practice


United Arab Emirates is one of the largest economies in the Gulf Cooperation Council with the nominal gross domestic product of US$414.2B and a real GDP of $392.8B. With the considerate investment along with the economic liberalization, the economy of UAE has seen their real GDP to become more than triple in the last four decades making it one of the richest countries with the GDP per capita almost 80% higher than the OECD average. For businesses it offers the best environment with stable political and macroeconomic condition, world class general and ICT infrastructure.

The United Arab Emirates protects the Intellectual Property patents in accordance with the Federal Law No. 31 of 2016, promulgated by Law No. 17 of 2002 on Regulation and Intellectual Property Protection of Industrial Property of Patents, Industrial Drawings and Designs.A patent protection in the UAE is granted for any new invention resulting from an innovative idea or innovative improvement of an invention in all fields of technology, provided that such an idea or innovative improvement has a scientific basis and is applicable. The invention shall be deemed industrially applicable in its broadest term if used or utilised in such fields as agriculture, fisheries, handicrafts and services. Examples of patents that are not protected include:

  • Researches, plant and animal species, and biological methods for production of animal and plant excluding microbiological methods and their products
  • Diagnostic methods, treatments and surgical operations needed for humans and animals
  • Scientific and mathematical principles, discoveries and methods
  • Guidelines, rules or methods followed to conduct business, perform mental activities or play games
  • Invention that may lead to violation of public order or morals.