Trade Mark Infringement-Toyoto Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha. vs. M/S Prius Auto Industries Ltd. and Ors.
Time for Considering Territoriality Principle over Universality Principle Courts are gradually shifting their focus to territorial nature of Trade Marks. The same was also quite evident in the Exide case, that has been discussed in the previous blog (here). However, no conclusion was drawn in the case due to ‘out of court settlement’. But, the … Continue reading Trade Mark Infringement-Toyoto Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha. vs. M/S Prius Auto Industries Ltd. and Ors.
Read more »Exide Industries Limited vs. Exide Corporation, U.S.A. & Ors.
The case Exide India v Exide US brings into effect the perplexing issue of Trademark law. The dispute dates back to 1997 when the US based Company ‘Exide Technologies’ entered the Indian market post Liberalisation, where Indian company ‘Exide Industries’ was already present over the decades in the local market selling automobile batteries under the … Continue reading Exide Industries Limited vs. Exide Corporation, U.S.A. & Ors.
Read more »100 and counting: Indonesia joins Madrid Protocol
The Madrid Protocol is an international treaty which simplifies the procedure for international registration of trademarks by filing a single application along with onetime payment fee. The protocol was adopted at Madrid on June 27, 1989, amended on October 3, 2006 and further amended on November 12, 2007 [1]. The Protocol provides for convenient and … Continue reading 100 and counting: Indonesia joins Madrid Protocol
Read more »Brunei’s Intellectual Property Office Accession to Madrid Protocol
The Government of Brunei Darussalam on October 6, 2016 [1] deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Marks in Geneva with the Director General of WIPO Francis Gurry [5]. The accession makes Brunei Darussalam the 98th member to the Madrid System. The aforementioned protocol came into force On … Continue reading Brunei’s Intellectual Property Office Accession to Madrid Protocol
Read more »Energy and Industry Department at the Prime Minister’s Office (EIDPMO) Launches Trademark Search Kiosk
The Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) is an office under EIDPMO and is responsible for the administration and registration of Intellectual Property (IP) including Patents, Trade Marks, Industrial Designs and Plant Varieties Protection (PVP) [2]. In its efforts to enhance its services to the public, BruIPO has recently introduced a trademark ‘Search Kiosk’ at the … Continue reading Energy and Industry Department at the Prime Minister’s Office (EIDPMO) Launches Trademark Search Kiosk
Introduction The global econoamy is trending towards an era of protectionism as can be seen from policies such as “Make America Great Again” and “Make in India”, thereby increasing the significance on exports and the manufacturing sector. As a corollary effect, the importance of Intellectual Property (IP) protection also increases due to the need to … Continue reading INDIA’S PROTECTION TO SECRETS OF TRADE
For the past few years, the nation of Myanmar has been proactively working on the implementation of its first ever formal trademark law, keeping in mind that the new law will overhaul the nation’s legal framework to encourage and motivate the industries and businesses to come and invest and grow in the country [1]. The … Continue reading MYANMAR: NEW TRADEMARK LAW EXPECTED TO BE ENACTED IN 2017
Read more »Meta-tagging vis-à-vis Trade Mark Misuse: An overview
Introduction: For most of our questions, we rely on the internet for answers. While the debate on the reliability of information received on the internet continues, an equally enthralling race of which website will be the first to grab a searching consumer’s attention has begun. With companies and organizations willing to pay a leg and … Continue reading Meta-tagging vis-à-vis Trade Mark Misuse: An overview
Read more »Cartier International AG and Ors. Vs. Gaurav Bhatia and Ors.
Citation: 226 (2016) DLT 662 Introduction As per a study conducted in 2016 by OECD (Organisation Economic Cooperation and Development) and the European Union’s Intellectual Property Office, India ranks amongst the top five exporters of counterfeit products. Inspite of the legislative authorities providing stringent anti-counterfeit laws that award both civil and criminal remedies to the … Continue reading Cartier International AG and Ors. Vs. Gaurav Bhatia and Ors.
Read more »Trademark Infringements: The big problems faced by foreign brands in Nepal
The government of Nepal is notorious for policy and procedural time wasting as far as providing services to businesses is concerned. The same has resulted in problems for businesses and industries to continue operating in Nepal. Among the several problems faced by them trademarks infringement of reputed foreign brands and multinational brands has become a … Continue reading Trademark Infringements: The big problems faced by foreign brands in Nepal
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