Category: Trademark

Trademark Assignment & its Renewal

INTRODUCTION Trademarks can be sold; therefore, trademark transfer or trademark assignment is possible. Trademark assignment means the control of a trademark switches from one person to another. It can be a transfer of part of the brand or all of it and it entails transfer of goodwill of the trademark as well. This is an … Continue reading Trademark Assignment & its Renewal

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The Complexities of Trademark Disparagement: A Jurisprudential Analysis

Introduction Disparagement, a concept intrinsically linked to the act of denigrating a product or service through misleading or false remarks, has significant implications in the realm of commercial law. It not only affects the reputation and market position of businesses but also raises intricate legal questions about the boundaries of free speech and fair competition. … Continue reading The Complexities of Trademark Disparagement: A Jurisprudential Analysis

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Trademark Infringement by NFTs: International Scenario

BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT An analysis of the opportunities offered by the use of NFTs (“Non-fungible Tokens”) illustrates that such use may be considered a trademark infringement. This was recently clarified by the IP Chamber of the Court of Rome (Tribunale di Roma, decision n. 37165/2022 dell’11 luglio 2022). 32072/2022).[i] An analysis of the opportunities offered … Continue reading Trademark Infringement by NFTs: International Scenario

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Drawing a thin line between Passing off and Infringement: An important aspect in The Indian trademark law.

In our Daily life we see more than 100 brands in our day but how can we distinguished them is they are registered or not .This question arrises in many of us, Is this brand Really belong to that company or not so to solve this problem we got the right of trademark registration. Registering … Continue reading Drawing a thin line between Passing off and Infringement: An important aspect in The Indian trademark law.

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The Trademarks Act in India: Protecting Your Brand Identity

With the current situation in the world of business where companies are miserably fighting to succeed, an outstanding and recognizable brand is quite important. You brand name and logo serve you as not only to distinguish yourself from your competitors but also to create your website and other promotional tools. In India the Trade Marks Act of … Continue reading The Trademarks Act in India: Protecting Your Brand Identity

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Trademark Infringement in E-Commerce in India: Challenges in Digital Era

Introduction India has witnessed exponential growth in e-commerce and online market place in the last few years. Customers are now able to have a totally different and new shopping experience, as the E-Commerce system makes it easy for consumers to trade goods and services with the help of technology, pricing, attractive discounts, and fast delivery … Continue reading Trademark Infringement in E-Commerce in India: Challenges in Digital Era

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ITC Ltd. v. Gold Step Tobacco (P) Ltd

Introduction With an enormous number of products available in the market, every brand has come up with their own identity to get recognised for their products. To get distinguished every brand seek to get their own trademark which can be used wholly and solely by them. The essence of trademark lies in amalgamation of such … Continue reading ITC Ltd. v. Gold Step Tobacco (P) Ltd

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Case note on Subway IP LLC. v Infinity Food and ors.

Introduction Trademark law, a bastion of protecting intellectual property, is underpinned by intricate doctrines and principles. Among these, the anti-dissection rule and dominant feature test are crucial tools employed by courts to determine the distinctiveness and protectability of trademarks. Conventionally, it has been asserted that these two doctrines are not contradictory but rather complementary in … Continue reading Case note on Subway IP LLC. v Infinity Food and ors.

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Trademark System in Uk For Fashion Brands

Introduction The basic concept of trademarks is that it helps consumers to identify a certain product or line of items as belonging to a particular company.[i] Traditionally, trademarks were seen as helpful instruments for determining the origin of goods, and they received legal status as a result. However, trademarks are legal entities in their own … Continue reading Trademark System in Uk For Fashion Brands

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Trademark Clash: Raymond Limited Vs. Raymond Pharmaceuticals

Introduction In 2006, a big fight happened in the Bombay High Court between two companies called Raymond Limited and Raymond Pharmaceuticals. This was an important case about trademark law, industry peace and not confusing customers. Background Raymond Limited, a big company in the textile and clothing business, was very famous for making good materials. It … Continue reading Trademark Clash: Raymond Limited Vs. Raymond Pharmaceuticals

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