Daimler AG and Avanci enters patent licensing deal
Daimler AG has entered an agreement with patent licensing pool Avanci covering standard-essential 4G patents. Avanci acts as a one-stop marketplace for standard-essential patents owned by 47 companies, including Ericsson and Qualcomm, which cover 4G, 3G and 2G technology used in connected vehicles. Avanci last year launched a new patent pool for the auto industry … Continue reading Daimler AG and Avanci enters patent licensing deal
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INTRODUCTION With as many as 47854 patents filed and 13035 granted in the single financial year of 2017-2018[1], it is obvious that keeping track of patents is no cake walk. This is when statutes that require the inventor/manufacturer to mark their products with the patent number come to save the day. Hence, Patent marking has … Continue reading Virtual Patent Marketing
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