Category: News & Updates

The Debate Over Late-Term Abortions: Exploring the Supreme Court’s Stand on Pregnancy Termination at 26 Weeks

Introduction In our society, women hold a pivotal position. It is an undeniable truth that a society’s progress relies heavily on the contributions of women. Just as a plane cannot soar with a single wing, the collective efforts of both men and women are essential for societal advancement. However, throughout history, women have endured suppression, … Continue reading The Debate Over Late-Term Abortions: Exploring the Supreme Court’s Stand on Pregnancy Termination at 26 Weeks

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Labour Law Issues in Sport: Employee or Independent Contractor?

INTRODUCTION Professional sports players, as well as club executives and coaching teams, fall within the definition of employees, and as such, are subject to both the common law and standard rules of employment law. In principle, all forms of employees, including elite athletes, ought to be subject to the norms which have been set under … Continue reading Labour Law Issues in Sport: Employee or Independent Contractor?

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Responsibility of Russia for Their Invasion on Ukraine

Primarily, for establishing that Russia has committed an “Internationally Wrongful Act”, the conduct in question must be attributed to Russia in the first place, and secondly, there must be a breach of an International obligation by Russia.[i] The International law on the responsibility of states is articulated in ARSIWA, which stands for Articles on the … Continue reading Responsibility of Russia for Their Invasion on Ukraine

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“Demystifying India’s Recent Data Protection Regulations Act, comparison with the GDPR and the issues faced”

Introduction The 2023 act makes, for the first time, a data privacy law in India. It needs to give consent before personal data is processed and specifies a small number of cases in the law where they do not need consent. It grants consumers the rights to access, rectify, modify and remove data as well … Continue reading “Demystifying India’s Recent Data Protection Regulations Act, comparison with the GDPR and the issues faced”

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Article 370 and its evolution

INTRODUCTION After around 200 years, the British departed India in 1947 and proclaimed it an independent nation. However, five northern Indian provinces were designated as west Pakistan and east Bengal as east Pakistan following that, entirely altering the country’s map. India has a number of issues following the split that were linked to violations of … Continue reading Article 370 and its evolution

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Fake News and Disinformation and Its Impact On Freedom Of Speech

Introduction  There has been increased transmission of false and malicious information on various internet platforms, even while elevating movements such as #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter, which were created to provide a platform for minorities to raise their voices. More specifically, the social media platforms that are easy to use and through which any information can be … Continue reading Fake News and Disinformation and Its Impact On Freedom Of Speech

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Critical Analysis of the Rk Arora Judgement and Its Impact on Ed Arrest Procedures

Introduction The Enforcement Directorate is essentially a law enforcement body which is equipped with powers to enforce economic laws and combat economic crimes in India. It deals with cases of money laundering and FEMA infractions. The ED is also specifically empowered under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act of 2002, to detain, arrest and prosecute … Continue reading Critical Analysis of the Rk Arora Judgement and Its Impact on Ed Arrest Procedures

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Supreme Court’s Landmark Ruling: Towards the Eradication of Manual Scavenging In India

Introduction The horrible Indian practice of manual scavenging entails the coercion of people into cleaning untreated human waste from dry latrines, ditches, pits, and toilets. Guide scavenging is a persistent problem that may be tracked via several obstacles, despite attempts by lawmakers to reduce this cruel practice. Manual scavenging presents a number of difficulties. Disrespectful … Continue reading Supreme Court’s Landmark Ruling: Towards the Eradication of Manual Scavenging In India

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Unveiling the Shadows : Exploring Marital Rape in India

Introduction Marital rape is a sexual crime that occurs in a marriage or in a domestic relationship. In Marital rape, sexual intercourse is done without the consent of one party, and spouse is victimized for this only. Marital rape, violates the right to dignity and bodily integrity, because here one party is not able to … Continue reading Unveiling the Shadows : Exploring Marital Rape in India

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Navigating the Legal Maze: Decoding the Impact of Legal Illiteracy on Indian Citizens

INTRODUCTION There is a phrase in Latin ignorantia juris non excusat (“ignorance of the law excuses not”), or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (“ignorance of law excuses no one”). Which is also regarded by our justice system. Our justice system does not allow any person to have an excuse for not knowing the law while violating … Continue reading Navigating the Legal Maze: Decoding the Impact of Legal Illiteracy on Indian Citizens

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