Legal Qualms in IP Licensing During Insolvency: A Cross-Border Analysis
Introduction: Insolvency processes present different legal and practical issues, predominantly involving intellectual property (IP) licenses. The treatment of intellectual property licensing can disturb economic relationships and imperil crucial IP rights for enterprises in financial difficulties. A fragmented legal landscape forces players to navigate, making issues more complicated by the absence of a uniform global framework … Continue reading Legal Qualms in IP Licensing During Insolvency: A Cross-Border Analysis
Read more »Trademarks Licensing and Franchising in Cambodia
Introduction With a continuous remarkable growth rate of 7.7% between 1995 and 2018, Cambodia’s economy is expanding quickly (World Bank, Cambodia Overview). Cambodia has changed from being categorised by the World Bank as a low-income country to a lower middle-income country over that time. A sizeable middle class had also grown, especially in Phnom Penh. … Continue reading Trademarks Licensing and Franchising in Cambodia
Read more »Khurana & Khurana Delhi Office
Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys (K&K) along with its IP Asset Management Practice, IIPRD, upon successful completion of its 13 years of practice, are now one of the go-to firms with exponential growth in Intellectual Property (IP) and Commercial Litigation Practice, now boasting 10 offices in Indian Market and 8 offices in overseas market, with … Continue reading Khurana & Khurana Delhi Office
Read more »Khurana & Khurana Opens Jalandhar (Punjab) Office
Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys (K&K) along with its IP Asset Management Practice, IIPRD, are happy to announce that they are expanding to Punjab and opening up their new branch Office in Jalandhar, w.e.f *insert date*, in wake of its growing Intellectual Property (IP) and Commercial Litigation Practice, and with an intent to … Continue reading Khurana & Khurana Opens Jalandhar (Punjab) Office
Read more »Online Music Licensing in India (PLUS) and How is this a revolutionary change?
Technology is taking over our daily lives at an unprecedented scale, but is our laws & the legal systems revamping itself at a similar scale, is the question of the hour. Because if the answer is in negative, then we are swimming in troubled waters. The present article discuss issues faced by our Music Industry … Continue reading Online Music Licensing in India (PLUS) and How is this a revolutionary change?
Read more »Cross-Licensing Of Patents
Introduction A cross-licensing contract between the two parties is an agreement where they grant patent licenses to each other. Such agreements, basically, involve exchange of essential patented knowledge between two parties who are seeking to further their own technological progresses. The top players in every field, particularly the automobile, telecommunication, broadcasting and pharmaceutical industries are … Continue reading Cross-Licensing Of Patents
Read more »Compulsory licensing
Compulsory licenses are sovereign state authorizations which enable a third party to make, use, or sell a patented product without the consent of the patent holder. Provisions pertaining to compulsory licensing are provided for under both the Indian Patent Act, 1970, as well as the international legal agreement between all the member nations of WTO … Continue reading Compulsory licensing
Read more »Division Bench of Delhi HC stays restoration of Monsanto license agreements with Nuziveedu Seeds
In the light of the recent order by Division Bench of Delhi High Court, this is an update to author’s prior blog dated April 5 2017 pertaining to the legal dispute between Nuziveedu Seeds and Mosanto. US-based agro major Monsanto Technology LLC and Hyderabad-based seed manufacturer Nuziveedu seeds had been locked in a long-term licensing … Continue reading Division Bench of Delhi HC stays restoration of Monsanto license agreements with Nuziveedu Seeds
Read more »Nuziveedu seeds wins legal battle against US Giant Monsanto!
It has been a long time since M. Prabhakara Rao, the chairman of Nuziveedu Seeds, was trying to knock down the world’s largest seed company “Monsanto Co”, in a high-profile conflict over licensing and royalty of patented seed technology–Bollgard II. Finally, in a decision taken on 29th of March, M. Prabhakara Rao won the long-fought … Continue reading Nuziveedu seeds wins legal battle against US Giant Monsanto!
Read more »Samsung Patent Licensing Agreement with Personalized Media Communications
Texas-based Personalized Media communications, which is having a seminal intellectual property portfolio, has successfully signed a patent licensing agreement with Samsung Corporation and its affiliates. PMC patent portfolio includes around 100 issued patents and pending applications that cover the use of control and information signals to control automated systems for generating and delivering electronic content … Continue reading Samsung Patent Licensing Agreement with Personalized Media Communications
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