Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and Patenting of Biological Inventions in India – Part I (Section – 6)
The Biological Diversity Act of 2002 (BDA) is a piece of Indian legislation which came into being in response to compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), to which India is a ratified member. In fact, India has taken the lead among developing and developed nations both in introducing a substantive legislation in conformance … Continue reading Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and Patenting of Biological Inventions in India – Part I (Section – 6)
Read more »Division Bench of Delhi HC stays restoration of Monsanto license agreements with Nuziveedu Seeds
In the light of the recent order by Division Bench of Delhi High Court, this is an update to author’s prior blog dated April 5 2017 pertaining to the legal dispute between Nuziveedu Seeds and Mosanto. US-based agro major Monsanto Technology LLC and Hyderabad-based seed manufacturer Nuziveedu seeds had been locked in a long-term licensing … Continue reading Division Bench of Delhi HC stays restoration of Monsanto license agreements with Nuziveedu Seeds
Read more »Liability of online market portals vis-à-vis trademark infringement in the cyberspace
With the emergence of globalization and sharp advancement of technologies, our society and its knowledge making has also changed steadily. The scope and range of knowledge has expanded and is only a click away, due to the expansion of digital connectivity. However with every pro come the cons. Infringements of copyrighted works are considered as … Continue reading Liability of online market portals vis-à-vis trademark infringement in the cyberspace
Read more »Can non-compliance of mandatory provisions under the patents act, 1970 land you behind the bars?
Technically YES. The Patents Act, 1970 (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) is a piece of legislation, penalties under which are largely civil in nature, such as fines, award of monetary damages, injunction, loss of patentee rights including compulsory licensing, abandonment of application or revocation of a patent. However, violation of certain provisions, such as … Continue reading Can non-compliance of mandatory provisions under the patents act, 1970 land you behind the bars?
Read more »Early publication of patent application under the Indian patent law system
Publication of a patent application is one of the prime stages in the process of getting a patent. The publication date of the patent application is considered of a specific significance because the applicants’ advantages as well as rights start from the publication date. Even though the applicant cannot seek any infringement proceedings till the … Continue reading Early publication of patent application under the Indian patent law system
Read more »Delhi High Court sought Explanation through Counter Affidavit over Repudiation of Patent application for Xtandi
Xtandi, the wonder drug for prostate cancer, was developed at UCLA, Los Angeles, by the innovation of NIH and Department of Defense grants. The drug was later licensed to Medivation, a biopharma company, which in October 2009 struck a deal with Japanese Astellas Pharma to collaborate on developing and commercializing Xtandi. The two companies now … Continue reading Delhi High Court sought Explanation through Counter Affidavit over Repudiation of Patent application for Xtandi
Read more »Nuziveedu seeds wins legal battle against US Giant Monsanto!
It has been a long time since M. Prabhakara Rao, the chairman of Nuziveedu Seeds, was trying to knock down the world’s largest seed company “Monsanto Co”, in a high-profile conflict over licensing and royalty of patented seed technology–Bollgard II. Finally, in a decision taken on 29th of March, M. Prabhakara Rao won the long-fought … Continue reading Nuziveedu seeds wins legal battle against US Giant Monsanto!
Read more »Samsung Patent Licensing Agreement with Personalized Media Communications
Texas-based Personalized Media communications, which is having a seminal intellectual property portfolio, has successfully signed a patent licensing agreement with Samsung Corporation and its affiliates. PMC patent portfolio includes around 100 issued patents and pending applications that cover the use of control and information signals to control automated systems for generating and delivering electronic content … Continue reading Samsung Patent Licensing Agreement with Personalized Media Communications
Read more »Meizu – Qualcomm License Agreement Deal
Qualcomm and the Chinese consumer electronics company Meizu recently announced that they had signed a licensing deal with each other. With this deal, they ended a yearlong infringement suit which was filed by Qualcomm against the Chinese company. In the October of 2016, we came to know that Qualcomm (the largest chipmaker in the world) … Continue reading Meizu – Qualcomm License Agreement Deal
Read more »BlackBerry and India’s Optiemus Infracom sign’s licensing agreement to capture Asian smartphone market
BlackBerry once a phone innovator, was considered a game changer in 1999 when its mobile phone allowed on-the-go business people to access email wirelessly. BlackBerry devices were popular for a long time almost a decade. But with the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 and Google’s android in 2008 BlackBerry lost its market as a … Continue reading BlackBerry and India’s Optiemus Infracom sign’s licensing agreement to capture Asian smartphone market
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