Evolution of Alternate Dispute Resolution: Indian Perspective
Introduction We live in a society made up of individuals. People with different views, different opinions, different cultures, different languages, and a variety of other differences. As a result, when all of these disparities are combined, it is ubiquitous for disputes to arise. After the independence of India and with the abolition of the Privy … Continue reading Evolution of Alternate Dispute Resolution: Indian Perspective
Read more »Navigating the Legal Maze: Decoding the Impact of Legal Illiteracy on Indian Citizens
INTRODUCTION There is a phrase in Latin ignorantia juris non excusat (“ignorance of the law excuses not”), or ignorantia legis neminem excusat (“ignorance of law excuses no one”). Which is also regarded by our justice system. Our justice system does not allow any person to have an excuse for not knowing the law while violating … Continue reading Navigating the Legal Maze: Decoding the Impact of Legal Illiteracy on Indian Citizens
Read more »Uniform Civil Code And Natural Laws
INTRODUCTION Uniform Civil Code again came into light on 27 th June , 2023 , when PM Narendra Modi during speech in Madhya Pradesh discuss about the UCC, and soon after this debates started in our nation. It is also in the manifesto of BJP to implement UCC and to abolished the personal laws. The … Continue reading Uniform Civil Code And Natural Laws
Read more »The OTT Ordeal: An Analysis of the Telecommunication Bill, 2022
On 21st September, 2022, the Department of Telecommunications released the Draft Telecommunication Bill of 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the “Bill”) to replace three archaic legislations currently governing the telecom sector that are, the Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933, the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, and the Telegraph Wires (Unlawful Possession) Act, 1950. This draft bill seeks … Continue reading The OTT Ordeal: An Analysis of the Telecommunication Bill, 2022
Read more »Stay Granted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the Civil Appeal on the Operation of Impugned order Passed by Hon’ble National Green Tribunal.
Civil Appeal No. 8552/2022 titled “M/s Kisan Sahkari Chini Mills vs. UP Pollution Control Board”, represented by Khurana & Khurana, Advocates & IP Attorneys, filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court challenging the order dated on 7th December 2021 passed by National Green Tribunal in Appeal No. 28/2021, was listed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of … Continue reading Stay Granted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the Civil Appeal on the Operation of Impugned order Passed by Hon’ble National Green Tribunal.
Read more »Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav,2022
India’s strive for independence was spread over a span of over two centuries and to commemorate the achievements and the glorious history of India’s people, culture, and achievements, on India’s 75th year of independence Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a new initiative called Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is a set of … Continue reading Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav,2022
Read more »Nuances Overtime Payments Vis-à-vis various Labour Legislations
Laws governing the duties and rights of India’s working class are referred to as “labour laws” in India. Every worker and employee has certain rights, and the Constitution of India under articles “14-16, 19(1)(c), 23-24, 38, and 41-43A” specifically address labour laws in India in order to safeguard their interests and rights. In India, there are … Continue reading Nuances Overtime Payments Vis-à-vis various Labour Legislations
Read more »The Internal Complaints Committee Under Sexual Harassment At Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013
WHAT IS INTERNAL COMPLAINTS COMMITTEE? An employer is legally compelled to adhere to specific legislative obligations under the POSH Act. One of these is the creation of an Internal Complaints Committee (“ICC”), which is tasked with receiving complaints of sexual harassment at work from aggrieved women, as well as conducting an investigation and making reasonable … Continue reading The Internal Complaints Committee Under Sexual Harassment At Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013
Read more »New Labour Codes For New India: Analysing The Reforms Apropos Foreign Direct Investments In India
The Indian economy in the recent years has attempted to leapfrog towards a five trillion-dollar economy by 2024-25, simplifying the environment around and maintaining business-friendly compliance and regulatory processes for augmentation of Ease of Doing Business, thereby promoting entrepreneurship, innovation and wealth creation in India, which facilitates investments by domestic as well as foreign producers. … Continue reading New Labour Codes For New India: Analysing The Reforms Apropos Foreign Direct Investments In India
Read more »Grant of Paid Holiday On Voting Day
The Representation of the People Act, 1951 (hereinafter referred to as ‘The Act’) was amended in the year 1996. The amendment added a new section 135B which centered around the grant of holiday on the day of voting and without deduction of salaries of workers. In a nutshell it stated that a paid holiday shall … Continue reading Grant of Paid Holiday On Voting Day
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