Resolution Mechanism Under Copyright Act 1957

Copyright is a type of licensed innovation security conceded under Indian law to the makers of unique works of creation, for example, scholarly works (counting PC projects, tables and assemblages including PC information bases which might be communicated in words, codes, plans or in some other structure, including a machine decipherable medium), emotional, melodic and masterful works, cinematographic movies and sound accounts.

Resolution Mechanism Under Copyright ACT ,1957 [Image source:Gettyimage]

Copyright law secures articulations of thoughts instead of the thoughts themselves. Under Section 13 of the Copyright Act 1957, copyright assurance is given on scholarly works, sensational works, melodic works, masterful works, cinematograph movies and sound accounts. For instance, books, PC programs are secured under the Act as abstract works.
Copyright alludes to a heap of elite rights vested in the proprietor of copyright by ideals of Section 14 of the Act. These rights can be practiced distinctly by the proprietor of copyright or by whatever other individual who is properly authorized in such a manner by the proprietor of copyright. These rights incorporate the privilege of transformation, right of proliferation, right of distribution, option to make interpretations, correspondence to open and so forth.
Copyright assurance is presented on all Original abstract, imaginative, melodic or emotional, cinematograph and sound account works. Unique methods, that the work has not been duplicated from some other source. Copyright insurance begins the second a work is made, and its enlistment is discretionary. Anyway it is consistently prudent to acquire an enlistment for superior insurance. Copyright enlistment doesn’t give any rights and is simply an at first sight evidence of a section in regard of the work in the Copyright Register kept up by the Registrar of Copyrights.

Meaning Of Copyright:

Copyright is a select option to duplicate or approve another to imitate masterful, sensational abstract or melodic works .It likewise stretches out to sound telecom and cinematographic movies, realistic and sculptural and extra exercises like Audio video works, sound accounts and so on.
Copyright security is restricted to creators’ specific expression of thoughts, cycle and idea in a substantial medium. Anyway, law allows reasonable use, to be copyrighted, a work must show a level of innovativeness and inventiveness. Copyright security isn’t conceded for a theoretical thought nor would facts be able to be copyrighted.

Definition of Copyright

Section 14 of the Act defines the term “Copyright” as to mean the exclusive rights to do or authorize the doing of following acts in respect of work or any other substantial part.
Administration of the Act.
The copyright office was established under the control of the established by the Central Government under the control of the registrar of the copyrights. The Copyright Board consist of chairman and other members, which shall not be less than two members and not than fourteen members. The Chairman shall be a person who is a judge of High Court or has been a Judge of High Court or qualified for appointment as a Judge of High Court. Copyright Board shall be deemed to be a Civil Court.

Functions of Copyright Board:-

1) To decide whether the work has been published.
2) To settle the dispute as to the assignments of Copyrights
3) To grant compulsory license to public unpublished works.
4) To grant compulsory license to produce and publish translation of literary and dramatic works.
5) To determine royalties payable to the owner of the Copyrights.
6) To rectify the register of the application of the Copyright of the aggrieved person.
Definition Of Author under Copyright Act :-
Under Section 2(d) of the Copyright Act “Author” means –
● In the case of literary, or the dramatic work, the author of the work.
● In the case of a musical work, the composer.
● In the case of a cinematograph film, the producer.
● In the case of a sound recording, the producer.
● In the case of a photograph, the photographer.
● In the case of any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work which is computer
Person who causes the work to be created.

Registration of Copyright:-

In India, the registration of Copyright isn’t required as the enrollment is treated as a simple recordal of a reality. The enlistment doesn’t make or give any new right and is anything but an essential for starting activity against encroachment. The view has been maintained by the Indian courts in a catena of decisions.

Terms of Copyrights:-

The terms of copyrights are defined under 22 to 29 of the Copyright Act,1957 with respect to literary work, musical composition ,dramatic activities, cinematography work, graphic and sculptural, audio visual works.

The normal term of Copyright is throughout the lifetime of the author plus 60 years from the beginning of the calendar year following the year in which the author dies. In case of Joint authorship, the author who dies last will be considered.

In case of anonymous (without disclosing the name) and pseudonymous (under assumed name work), the term of Copyright is 60 years from the calendar year in which the work is published.However, if the name is disclosed, the term of copyright will be 60 years from the calendar year following the year in which the author dies.

Enforcement of Copyright Act:-

The law of Copyright in India not just accommodates common cures as lasting directive, harms or records of benefits, conveyance of the encroaching material for annihilation and cost of the legitimate procedures and so forth yet in addition makes occurrences of encroachment of copyright, a cognizable offence culpable with detainment for a term which will not be under a half year however which may stretch out to three years with a fine which may extend upto Rs 2,00,000. For the second and ensuing offenses, there are arrangements for upgraded fine and discipline under the Copyright Act. The (Indian) Copyright Act, 1957 offers capacity to the police specialists to enlist the Complaint (First Information Report, i.e., FIR) and follow up on its own to capture the blamed, search the premises of the charged and hold onto the encroaching material with no intercession of the co.

Infringement of Copyright:-

A Copyright proprietor can’t make the most of his privileges except if encroachment of the equivalent is rigidly managed by the Courts .The methodology of the Indian Judiciary in such manner is palatable.

In PrakashakPuneet Prashant Prakashan v Distt.judge, Bulandshahr (Allahabad High court,2000) and Ashok Prakashan (Regd) the Allahabad High Court held that if the applicant distriburtes a book by including any word previously or after the book ‘Bal Bharati, he encroaches the copyright of the respondent.

In Hindustan Pencils Ltd v Alpna Cottage Industries [MIPR 2007 (1) 41] the Copyright Board of Goa held that where the similitudes between the creative works of the gatherings are essential and considerable in material angles, it would add up to copyright infringement and the respondent’s copyright is at risk to be erased from the register of copyright.

The Board alluded the choice of Prem Singh v Cec Industries (1990) wherein it was observed: ‘ For a situation where the primary party himself is appeared to have embraced or imitated a brand name and copyright of an outsider, at that point Courts can fearlessly decay to step in help of this gathering since genuineness of activity is the core of the issue and Courts security is expanded distinctly on the rule that harm to a gathering who has procured generosity or notoriety in certain exchanging style for making his products, ought not be permitted to be influenced by the untrustworthy client of the equivalent by another.

The Board additionally alluded to the choice of the peak court in R.G. Anand v M/S Delux Films where the Court watched: ‘Where a similar thought is being created in an alternate way, it is shown that the source being normal, likenesses will undoubtedly happen. In such a case, the Courts ought to decide if the likenesses are on principal or significant parts of the method of articulation embraced in the copyrighted work with certain varieties here and there. As it were, so as to be noteworthy the duplicate must be a considerable and material one which immediately prompts the end that the litigant is blameworthy of the demonstration of theft.

In Khajanchi Film Exchange v province of MP the appellants securing the infringement of their copyright in the film, appealed to God for the writ of Mandamus without first debilitating the elective cure accessible under the Copyright Act. The Division Bench of the Madhya Pradesh High Court Observed: There is no question in the accommodation that it is the obligation of police to be careful in the region and recognize wrongdoing and rebuff the criminal as per law. Yet, the candidates didn’t grumble at any stage nor did they look for activity from different functionaries of the State. They request mandamus without putting the complaint before the respondent and looking for their response. The writ request was documented 16 days before the arrival of the film. Enough time appellants had, to move toward the specialists/police and later to the respondents giving their response to the complaint and how it was prepared to manage the issue.

Consequences of Infringement of Copyright:-

The proprietor of the C opyright can sue the individual who has infringed the copyright in his work in the District Court having the ward and will be qualified for all such remedies by method of injunction , records and harm and in any case as are given by law of infringement of the rights.
Punishment for infringement of Copyrights
The legal penalties for copyright infringement are:
1. Infringer pays the actual dollar amount of damages and profits.
2. The law provides a range from $200 to $150,000 for each work infringed.
3. Infringer pays for all attorney’s fees and court costs.
4. The Court can issue an injunction to stop the infringing acts.
5. The Court can impound the illegal works.
6. The infringer can go to jail
Copyright Societies:-
They are the voluntary association of owner’s copyrights which is legally registered under Copyrights Act.
Eg :-Novex Communication


The arrangements of the previously mentioned two authorizations show that the Copyright security in India is solid and compelling enough to deal with the Copyright of the concerned individual. The insurance stretches out not exclusively to the Copyright as perceived in the conventional sense yet in addition in its cutting edge perspective.
Hence, on-line copyright issues are likewise satisfactorily secured, however not in clear and express term. To address the ever-expanding difficulties, as presented by the changed conditions and most recent innovation, the current law can be deciphered to such an extent that all aspects of copyright are sufficiently secured. This can be accomplished by applying the purposive interpretation method, which requires the current law to be deciphered in such a way as equity is done in the reality and conditions of the case.

Author: AKSHIT GUPTA INSTITUTE – BHARTI, VIDYAPEETH, NEW LAW COLLEGE, PUNE,  in case of any queries please contact/write back to us via email to or at  Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorney.

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