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Now a days, I’ve seen that it been a topic of discussion and concern among many individual, that AI will take over their job and in future there’ll be scarcity in jobs since everything will be automated due to AI. And to some extent it’s true, but then suddenly a thought came to my mind that will it also have an impact on Legal field, where till date many things and work happen without any computerizations. Before I begin, I’d like to answer the question, that “What is an AI?” Many people refer it has a computer, some software or some sort of a machine. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is refer to has a set of technologies that enable computer to perform a variety of advanced functions, including to see, understand and translate spoken and written language, analyze data, make recommendation and more. So in simple words, I think that AI is the science of making machines which helps humans to do task in less time with more efficiency and reduces its efforts. It’s evident that AI will have an impact of tech field as because of its domain but is it the same case with legal field? So this same question will be answer throughout this blog with various examples, research and facts.
Main Blog
India has the largest constitution in the world with diverse laws and regulation and has a lot of complexities. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a useful tool to ease the works of people, and is also reshaping the legal landscape in unprecedented ways. I think in India, Legal industry is the only field in which all works are carrying with the most helps on human interference. And changing this might difficult but not impossible. Many countries are competition in the field of AI, China and USA has started a present legal tech trends over the world. In china, robust regional models of intelligent judicial systems have emerged alongside some common applications that include the same-type case referencing, automated sentencing decision, uniform standards of evidence and judge’s data profiling systems. In the US, Legal tech refers to artificial intelligence in domains such predictive litigation analysis, e-discovery, and contract review. (Wang, 2020) In India, Usefulness of AI is been significantly increasing, as it reduce the work of lawyers and interns. But still the accuracy is the question till date. In India, everything from drafting notice, legal suit, notary, case proceeding, etc happens without any interference of AI. Few years before researching for an particular topic was consider an time consuming work, but in recent there are various AI platform like chatgpt, lawfyi AI, AI Lawyers, etc which had significantly reduced this work of research and even it can help in drafting an format for any documents within a seconds. But still when it comes towards Judiciary or Judicial procedure then AI’s extend gets restricted, as the work of legal institution is seen as the most prestigious work of giving justice to each deserving one. It’s still the most embed thought in Indian legal system that even 100 criminal get unpunished but a single innocent person should not be punished. And because of which replacing judicial system is far difficult thing for AI at least in the country like India, where the justice is a fundamental right. Representing Client in courts, decision making and giving judgments, considering the implied factors and all are the things which AI can perform, and therefore in Legal field the impact of it will not be so much that there will be scarcity in jobs. But that doesn’t mean that AI will not impact on legal sector. It will be very useful for various things as mention below:-
[Image Sources: Shutterstock]
Ease Legal Research
Research is a backbone of each case, every time a lawyer or law student has to spend many hours searching for particular incident, application, judgments, etc by reading cases, precedent, and laws and on contain on website. It has to gather everything arranges it to display to court and it take a plenty of time and energy of those peoples. But AI can make it simpler by searching throughout it databases and structuring gather data on one click of person.
Drafting documents
Drafting files and documents are the crucial work of attorneys, and AI can help this time consuming process via making a well structured draft for them and with minor changes the lawyer can present this document to court as well as to client. This will increase the efficiency of litigator and reduces its work.
Legal Aid service
World is been digitalizing and everyone has a smart devices and through which providing legal aid will get simpler with AI. Even an ordinary guy with no legal knowledge can search for a solution and steps to follow which will help him in availing justice. Within a minute you can have an answer for your legal doubt and can avail the remedy through following the legal process. Many people did not get proper remedy due to lack of legal knowledge and accessibility. But with AI we can change this.
Cost Reduction
Sometimes, people cannot afford the legal procedure because of high cost. Advocates charges more due to their intense hard work and a lot of time consumption behind research, drafting, learning, documentation, etc. but with AI this work might get easier for them result in charging less amount from people. AI will also help people in getting educated with legal procedure and laws, and can even give check on your attorney’s is he following right process or making any mistake.
Challenges and Ethical Considerations
Despite its advantages, AI’s integration into the legal field poses challenges. Concerning about its accuracy, complexity of legal field, algorithmic bias, data privacy, chances of hacking, and the ethical implications of relying on AI for legal decision-making are significant challenges. Practically replacing the judges with AI can’t be seen happening in this century, as with the legal knowledge and experience the human thinking is also very essential while deciding the punishment without forgetting the humanity.
The impact of AI on the legal field is profound, offering opportunities for greater efficiency, accuracy and accessibility. But answering out question that, “Will it replace legal professionals?”, then the answer will be “No”. Because till now, the AI is not been fully developed to made a significant impact in Legal industry. It will surely help a lot to legal professionals in increasing their efficiency and will help people in accessing the legal knowledge and access justice.
Author: Sahil Satarkar, in case of any queries please contact/write back to us via email to chhavi@khuranaandkhurana.com or at Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorney.
V, B. (2023, February 28). Artificial Intelligence . Retrieved July 29, 2024, from LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/artificial-intelligence-barath-v
Wang, R. (2020, September). Legal Technology in contemporary USA and China. Retrieved July 29, 2024, from ScienceDirect: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0267364920300649/