Indian Media and the Law
INTRODUCTION Over time, our society has come a long way concerning the sociological and technological development of its people. The enormous surge in the growth of Artificial Intelligence and digitalization has aided this rampant exposure of the public to the new technology and wider access to media. Media in its most general form denotes a … Continue reading Indian Media and the Law
Read more »The Essential Guide to Patent Searches: Safeguarding Your Invention’s Future
INTRODUCTION Every search provides pertinent information that should be considered before the invention is patented to avoid having to deal with non-patentable inventions. In a simple patent search prior art is checked and patents and other literature are reviewed to determine prior disclosure so as to assess the patentability of the invention. A few of … Continue reading The Essential Guide to Patent Searches: Safeguarding Your Invention’s Future
Read more »Infringement: A Thoughtful Mistake
INTRODUCTION As we have seen, this world is evolving with digitalization, industrialization and most importantly, intellectual property registration. If we see, we get to know that industrialization is the primary reason for the existence of intellectual property law because it gave the idea to register the idea and make it a secure way to protect … Continue reading Infringement: A Thoughtful Mistake
Read more »Navigating the Uncanny Valley: Legal and Ethical Challenges of Deepfakes in the Entertainment Industry
The emergence of AI & ML as a prominent form of synthetic media in creative industries has been attributed to technological advancement. Deepfakes are highly realistic digital means generated by AI that replicate real content or imitate a particular person’s or object’s appearance or voice. For all the possible, even welcoming uses of the technology, … Continue reading Navigating the Uncanny Valley: Legal and Ethical Challenges of Deepfakes in the Entertainment Industry
Read more »Navigating the new phase of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Law- Geographical Indications
Introduction: As globalizations spreads its wings to its fullest, the distinctions between nations are becoming increasingly indistinct as international entities extend their reach to even the most remote corners of the world. While globalization fosters economic integration and cultural exchange, it also poses significant challenges to rural and cultural products, thereby impacting the livelihoods of … Continue reading Navigating the new phase of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Law- Geographical Indications
Read more »The Impact of India’s New Data Privacy Law on Social Media Companies and Their Data Collection Practices
INTRODUCTION Data has become a valuable resource in this fast-paced digital era, driving innovation, economic growth, and societal change. However, there have been privacy concerns worldwide over the collection, processing and storage of personal data by digital platforms mainly social media companies. Governments are now enacting comprehensive data protection laws as a response to these … Continue reading The Impact of India’s New Data Privacy Law on Social Media Companies and Their Data Collection Practices
Read more »An Introduction to Surrogacy: What It Is and How It Works
INTRODUCTION In surrogacy, a woman bears a child for another couple; what is the scope of a surrogate mother’s legal rights for the child, even if they are genetically related? Surrogacy elicits diverse viewpoints. Some perceive it as a severe form of exploiting financially disadvantaged women, as observed in Europe. Conversely, some regard it as … Continue reading An Introduction to Surrogacy: What It Is and How It Works
Read more »Critically Examining the Intersection of Media Coverage and Freedom of Expression: Implications for Judicial Integrity
Introduction In more recent times, it has become more and more difficult to keep the concept of media trials, which is indirectly connected to the fundamental human rights, to the back of one’s mind. This situation will display a complicated interplay between the mentality of the media to spread the news and the primary goal … Continue reading Critically Examining the Intersection of Media Coverage and Freedom of Expression: Implications for Judicial Integrity
Read more »Unveiling the Sociological Impact of COVID-19 in India
Introduction The Coronavirus pandemic certainly wreaked havoc at not only the national sphere in India but an international level. It forced the economy to distress, psychology to depression, physical strength to respiratory illnesses backed with all other major diseases, spiritual health to a full stop by shutting down the doors of the temples, et al. … Continue reading Unveiling the Sociological Impact of COVID-19 in India
Read more »Drawing a thin line between Passing off and Infringement: An important aspect in The Indian trademark law.
In our Daily life we see more than 100 brands in our day but how can we distinguished them is they are registered or not .This question arrises in many of us, Is this brand Really belong to that company or not so to solve this problem we got the right of trademark registration. Registering … Continue reading Drawing a thin line between Passing off and Infringement: An important aspect in The Indian trademark law.
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