MoU between Indian and the United States on Intellectual Property Cooperation
What is the purpose of this MoU? On December 02, 2020, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Department of Commerce of United States of America, United States Patent and Trademark Office signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Intellectual Property cooperation. The ceremony took place … Continue reading MoU between Indian and the United States on Intellectual Property Cooperation
Read more »Registration of Geographical Indications in India
Geographical Indication or GI Tags is an intellectual property right given over a product that originates from a specific geographical location and holds qualities that are intrinsic or reputable due to that location. A few examples of GIs are Roquefort Cheese which is a unique form of blue cheese that is aged in Roquefort-Sur-Soulzon, France; … Continue reading Registration of Geographical Indications in India
Read more »HDFC Bank Ltd and Ors V. Jesna Jose: NCDRC Held Bank Liable for Online Fraudulent Transaction
In the recent Judgement passed by NCDRC on 21st December 2020, NCDRC held the bank liable for the online fraudulent transactions if there is no fault on the customer’s part. BRIEF FACTS In the present case, the Complainant purchased a Pre-paid forex plus Debit card bearing the serial no. 4123310000407245 of a limit of US$ … Continue reading HDFC Bank Ltd and Ors V. Jesna Jose: NCDRC Held Bank Liable for Online Fraudulent Transaction
Read more »Differential State Regulations on Online Fantasy Sports Platforms
History and Overview Prior to the promulgation of the Constitution of India, gambling in India was governed by the Public Gambling Act, 1857. However, the popularity of horse racing was growing, and soon after, the Bengal Presidency, Act II of 1867, allowed for subscription, prizes, and staking on horse races. Similarly, it was licensed in … Continue reading Differential State Regulations on Online Fantasy Sports Platforms
Read more »Copyright Ownership of Abandonware
There are several old versions of different software no longer distributed or supported by their owners as they tend to shift their focus to the newer versions and find these older versions less profitable. “Abandonware” is the name given to refer to these old versions. In common parlance, the term is used to denote “out-of-print” … Continue reading Copyright Ownership of Abandonware
Read more »Artificial Intelligence: A Looming Threat To Trademark Law?
“Humans looking for similarities in trademarks is an awful, inefficient, error-prone job, and one that computers can do much better than people” -Charles Hill, Product Leader and Strategist at Trademark Now The market is a dynamic place and the way people purchase goods and services has changed constantly over the years. In the Victorian era, … Continue reading Artificial Intelligence: A Looming Threat To Trademark Law?
Read more »Trademark Registration Procedure In U.S.
Introduction Once you have chosen your mark that you want to protect, the next step is the registration of that mark. In the U.S. the registration for the mark is done at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the process of obtaining a registered trademark in the United States typically takes about … Continue reading Trademark Registration Procedure In U.S.
Read more »IP Laws In Outer Space
Introduction Like other sectors, outer space is also affected by globalization and privatization and many private business entities are actively participating in collaboration with the government to achieve new milestones in the outer space. These private entities perform various services like broadcasting, sensing from space, fabrication, a supply of materials to manufacture the launch vehicles, … Continue reading IP Laws In Outer Space
Read more »A Study on Compliance of Tax Structures in Income Inequality and the Reforms Required
Introduction Poverty is extensively characterised as a vicious circle. This is to say that there are various forces placed in a constellation (proverbial) that work together to keep a person poor or a group of people in the clutches of poverty. However, in mainstream politics, rarely is poverty discussed from the perspective of unjust redistribution … Continue reading A Study on Compliance of Tax Structures in Income Inequality and the Reforms Required
Read more »Can A Single Colour Acquire Protection?
In 2015, Hitachi filed an application for a colour mark registration with JPO consisting of a single colour – an unassuming orange – over its hydraulic excavators. Hitachi holds a 20% market share of hydraulic excavators since the past forty years in Japan. A questionnaire-survey showed that approximately 96% of traders in the construction industry … Continue reading Can A Single Colour Acquire Protection?
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