The once-powerful mobile phone companies BlackBerry and Nokia are in the headlines again, not for their new technological developments but because of their legal battle. The Valentine’s Day card for Nokia was in the form of a complaint entailing 11 items that Blackberry did not like about it. The complaint listed out the 11 patents … Continue reading BLACKBERRY SUES NOKIA FOR PATENT INFRINGEMENT: AN OVERVIEW
Everyday, a number of products are being invented all over the world, some cascading over the improvement of existing inventions, and the others, portraying a unique set of methods and products unknown to man at large. Simultaneously, there is an eruption of infringements that remain unnoticed or noticed following an incredulous load of proceedings and … Continue reading FRAND-ING PATENT LICENSES AND ITS IMPLICATION IN LANDMARK CASES IN INDIA
Read more »Expedited examination and non-expedited (normal) examination: Who can file request for examination?
With effect from May 16, 2016 (effective date for Patent (amendment) rules, 2016), provision of expedited examination was introduced in the Patent system of India. This article does not intend to discuss the different timelines within which request for examination has to be filed in different situations, rather article is restricted to the eligibility of … Continue reading Expedited examination and non-expedited (normal) examination: Who can file request for examination?
Read more »Teva held responsible for Induced Infringement of Eli Lilly’s Blockbuster drug ALITMA
In Teva Parenteral Medicines, Inc.; APP Pharmaceuticals LLC; Pliva Hrvatska D.O.O.; Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.; and Barr Laboratories, Inc. (hereinafter referred to be as Defendants/Appellants/Teva) Vs. Eli Lilly & Co. (hereinafter referred to as Plaintiff/Appelle/Eli Lilly) decided by United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) on January 12, 2017, Plaintiff had filed … Continue reading Teva held responsible for Induced Infringement of Eli Lilly’s Blockbuster drug ALITMA
Read more »Obtaining a Certificate of Recognition from DIPP for IPR benefits
“A start-up would now require only a certificate of recognition from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) and would not be required to be examined by the inter-ministerial board, as was being done earlier. This is one rapid change that we have brought in,” said Nirmala Sitharaman, Minister of Commerce and Industry in … Continue reading Obtaining a Certificate of Recognition from DIPP for IPR benefits
Intellectual property law in Nepal is comparatively new and it enjoys the extension provided to the least developed countries to be compliant under the TRIPS agreement. Patents, Designs and Trademarks are protected under one head, and the governing act/ legislation is known as “The Patent, Design and Trade Mark Act, 2022 (1965)” (hereinafter referred to … Continue reading NEPAL’S IP LAW: AN ENCAPSULATION
Read more »Effect of Union Budget, 2017 on the R&D/ Intellectual Property Practices in India
Union budget that was highly waited for (after demonetization) had gained more attention also due to preponing to February 01, 2017. As a matter of fact, every year budget has certain impact on various industries including IP industry and R&D sectors. In this article, we will try to analyze possible effects of 2017 budget on … Continue reading Effect of Union Budget, 2017 on the R&D/ Intellectual Property Practices in India
Read more »Comparative Advertisement: A Perspective
Ms. Sakshi Jhalani, Intern, Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys looks into the fundamentals of Comparative Advertisement vis-avis Trade Mark Rights in India. Advertising is indeed a crucial step in determining future of any product. It is the most successful and proven way to attract the attention of the potential consumers in the market. … Continue reading Comparative Advertisement: A Perspective
This article focuses on the revocation proceedings which is one of the mechanisms available for annulations of Patents in India. What is revocation of a patent? When a patent has been sealed or granted, it is not always the case that the patent shall stay unhindered by any third party till the life of the … Continue reading REVOCATION OF PATENTS ACCORDING TO INDIAN PATENT ACT, 1970: INSIGHT
Read more »Section 3 (K) of Indian Patent Act: Case Study
Ms. Anjana Mohan, intern at Khurana and Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys attempts to analyze case study related to section 3 (k) of Patent Act, 1970. ACCENTURE GLOBAL SERVICE GMBH (Appellants) V ASSISTANT CONTROLLER OF PATENTS & DESIGN AND THE EXAMINER OF PATENTS (Respondents) CITATION- OA/22/2009/PT/DEL and Miscellaneous Petition No. 118/2012 in OA/22/2009/PT/DEL HON’BLE JUDGES/CORAM: … Continue reading Section 3 (K) of Indian Patent Act: Case Study
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