Applicability of the principle “Proof of the right” to Conventional application
This article relates to a recent judgment of IPAB in the case “NTT DoCoMo Inc. Vs The Controller of Patents and Designs” for a patent application No. 794/CHE/2006 which was refused to proceed further by the Indian patent office. Brief summary of the case In summary, the application relates to “TRANSMISSION RATE CONTROL METHOD AND … Continue reading Applicability of the principle “Proof of the right” to Conventional application
Read more »A Change in Year Brings Change in IP Laws and Policy
The intellectual property (IP) concepts that are applied today to the national laws and international treaties and organizations date back to eighteenth century. The IP laws vary from one country to another. The changes in Intellectual property laws also depend on the changes in technology. Due to emerging new technologies and R&D activities, the intellectual … Continue reading A Change in Year Brings Change in IP Laws and Policy
Read more »IPAB: Nature of Jurisdiction, Power and Authority
Akash Patel, an intern at Khurana and Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys, looks at the nature of jurisdiction at the IPAB, its power and authority. In a judgment dated July 08, 2013, a larger bench of Intellectual Property Appellate Board (hereinafter read as IPAB) had decided on two important issues, one relating to IPAB’s power … Continue reading IPAB: Nature of Jurisdiction, Power and Authority
Read more »Central Government’s power of Revocation of Patent in Public Interest
Gopikrishnan M and Akash Patel, interns at Khurana and Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys, looks at Central Government’s power of Revocation of Patent in Public Interest. The Indian Patent Act,1970(hereinafter Act) empowers the Central Government to revoke any patent granted by the Indian Patent Office if it feels that the said patent is prejudicial to public … Continue reading Central Government’s power of Revocation of Patent in Public Interest
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