Trademark tiff between Masculine drink makers and its challengers!
Just days after I bought my first bottle of the ‘must have’ “Knock-out” pepper spray, I came across a trademark dispute between the makers of this product and manufacturers of the beer brand “Knock-Out”. What came next were a series of interesting case laws, and evidences, and finally the verdict of Delhi High Court Justice … Continue reading Trademark tiff between Masculine drink makers and its challengers!
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The case is all about a mech. patent granted in Europe in 2008. The Proprietor (Applicant) Grief International Holding B.V is holding the Patent EP 1467922 (‘922). The Patent relates to an improved container closure plug having a unique gasket retaining feature. Interestingly, Technocraft Industries, a company based out of India filed an Opposition in … Continue reading Greif & Technocraft
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